My Curriculum Vitae
Each week, a student in the journalism program at Georgetown University’s School of Continuing Studies is interviewed for the school newsletter. One question: “What class would you recommend to your fellow students and why?” Here are some responses.
Cory Dawson
Ryan Teague Beckwith’s reporting and newswriting class was tough and eye-opening. He meets everybody at their skill level and elevates their work, and he’s a never-ending well of journalism experience and a fantastic storyteller. So I guess I’d say try to take a class with Ryan, I’m not sure if the actual course matters as much!
Placide Magambo
Reporting and News Writing is my favorite class so far, because to me it is the basic of journalism reporting. With Professor Ryan Teague Beckwith, I was able to learn how to write a good news story. Once you take this class with him, there’s no doubt that you will love this class.
Sonnet Swire
News Reporting and Writing with Ryan Teague Beckwith. No question. He will get your butt in gear. I’m so happy I started the program with his class because I wonder how I would have done without it.
Victoria Chamberlin
I would recommend that everyone take Ryan Beckwith’s news writing class. His style of editing is very … to the point. It helps you improve as a writer in record time.
Isabella Basco
My favorite class would be Reporting and Newswriting. I still use the information Ryan Teague Beckwith taught us about shoe-leather reporting to write compelling, interesting stories.
Catherine Trifiletti
What are some of the JO Program classes or skills that you’ve been able to use while interning?
Well I always think about Ryan Beckwith’s advice from News Reporting & Writing regarding word choice. No one wants to read a bunch of big words, so if I catch myself being too haughty, I literally picture him reprimanding me in ALL CAPS.
Amel Guettatfi
What one piece of advice would you give current students?
Learn as many skills as possible but pick a few that you can excel at that make you a unique asset. Also, don’t be afraid to reach out to your instructors for advice. Ryan Teague Beckwith of News Writing and Reporting helped me make the decision to move to my current job even after I had graduated.
Callan Mathis
What is a class that you took at Georgetown that helped the most after you graduated?
News Reporting and Writing helped me the most. One of the first things I learned in that class was that it is often better to use the $1 word instead of the $100 word. That couldn’t be more true, especially in social. Nobody wants to read an entire paragraph on Facebook — they just don’t. Keeping things short, concise and to the point is always what I think about when I create social copy, and that class taught me how.